
2023-08-01 13:25:31  阅读 129 次 评论 0 条




He was here yesterday. 他昨天在这。 I got up at seven yesterday morning. 我昨天早上七点起床的、My mother was at work yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午我的妈妈在工作。

】He used to be a soldier. 他曾经是一位军人。2】He was only 19 years old when he became the world champion. 当他成为世界冠军的时候,他才19岁。3】Jack was here just now . 杰克刚才就在这里。

英语中一般过去时的句子:他昨日很忙。He was busy yesterday。她以前跳舞。She danced before。艾米早就上网了。Amy surfed the net before。她去年上年级。She was in Gradelast year。

Hewashereyesterday. 他昨天在这。

一般过去时的句子是表示过去发生的事情,只要时间是过去的,就算一般过去时。句型:When is your birthday,Kangkang?康康,你的生日是什么时候?May the eighteenth.五月十八日。


1、一般过去时的句子如下:He said he would wait until they came back.他说他会等到他们回来。At that time she was very good at English.那时她英语学得很好。

2、关于一般过去时句子有以下内容:你去年暑假做了什么?What did you do during the last summer vocation?你没尽自已最大努力去做这件事。You didn’t do your best to do it.我们昨天没有玩好。

3、Hewashereyesterday. 他昨天在这。


1、He didnt go to school yesterday.翻译:他昨天没有上学。She won the competition last night.翻译:她昨晚赢得了比赛。I missed the bus this morning.翻译:我今天早上没赶上公共汽车。

2、关于一般过去时句子有以下内容:你去年暑假做了什么?What did you do during the last summer vocation?你没尽自已最大努力去做这件事。You didn’t do your best to do it.我们昨天没有玩好。

3、He was here yesterday. 他昨天在这。 I got up at seven yesterday morning. 我昨天早上七点起床的、My mother was at work yesterday afternoon. 昨天下午我的妈妈在工作。

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